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Cool tools

Everybody needs at least a couple of these

Mag Instrument S6D036 Red 6D Cell MagLite Flashlight
Mag Instrument S6D016 Black 6D Cell MagLite Flashlight
Mag Instrument S6C016 Black 6C Cell Flashlite
Mag Instrument ASXX376 D Cell MagLite Flashlite
Mag Instrument RX1019 Heavy-Duty Rechargeable Flashlight System
Mag Instrument ASXD026 D-Cell Flashlight Mounting Bracket
Mag Instrument S4D016 Black Heavy Duty 4 D-Cell Flashlight
Mag Instrument S3D016 Black Heavy Duty 3 D-Cell Flashlight
Mag Instrument S2D016 Black Heavy-Duty 2 D-Cell Flashlight
Mag Instrument M2A10H Silver AA Holster Combo Pack Flashlight
Mag Instrument K3A106 Silver Mag-Lite AAA Solitaire Flashlight
Mag Instrument ARXX075 6-Volt Ni-Cad Battery Pack
Mag Instrument ASXD036 D Cell Plain Leather Belt Holder
Mag Instrument AM2A056 Nylon Full Flap Holster for AA
Mag Instrument AM2A026 Plain Leather Holster AA

Vector VEC138Y 2-Million Candlepower Xtreme Sport Spot
Vector VEC139Y 3-Million Candlepower Mega Sport Rechargeable Spot
Vector VEC128BW Corded/Cordless Rechargeable 1-Million Candlepower Spotlight Lantern

Coleman Twin Tube Battery Lantern
Coleman 8D Fluorescent Lantern

Leatherman 64240103 Micra Clad with Blue...

Blue Polycarbonate clad
Handy scissors
Keychain loop
25 year warranty

Editorial Reviews
This product is a supreme example of Leatherman ingenuity--10 tools packed into a tiny 1-3/4-ounce, 2-1/2-inch dynamo. Open the Micra and choose from spring-loaded scissors, tweezers, nail cleaner and file, knife, screwdrivers, bottle opener, and a ruler--everything a modern urban adventurer needs, including a ring to attach it to your keys. Leatherman has dressed this doll up in blue polycarbonate, but you can also buy it in green or red. Leatherman's quality is undisputed, and all of the company's wares are backed by a 25-year warranty. You can't beat that. --Kris Jensen-Van Heste
From the Manufacturer
Spring action scissors and personal care features that fit on your key chain are just a part of what make this Micra unique. Ten useful tools are packed into this tiny classic Leatherman, making it a favorite all over the world. Clad in a durable translucent Blue polycarbonate that adds personality.

NOTE: My email address is shown here in the picture with my First Jeepin Dog. I had to put it in a picture so I wouldn't get so much spam email.
If you have questions please email me.

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