Day one and two
This is my newest, coolist, most favorite christmas present.
This is a 2002 model Chia Pet of the Bunny variety. It has the basic factory options. As far as I can tell everything is looking good for our new little pal.
Soaked it for a full 2 days.
Smeared on all the Seeds in the gooey gluey mess.
Left it in the custom plastic tray.
Filled is with Clean Imported Water. Only the best.
Frilly Stuff
By definition the Chia pet is a frilly thing.
What's Next?
A name for my little Bunny
More Water
Picture of all sides.
This is the Pet in the laboratory
This shows the small mixing bowl used for mixing the gooey mess. You can also see the Instructions. They were followed to the exact detail.
Chia Questions and Answers
The information supplied here is my own perceptions and understanding of how products work. If I am way off base please let me know and I will quickly updated/debate the facts.
This shows a close up of what the beautiful coat will look like.
Stay tuned I plan to post many pictures of the Chia progress.
Tips and Tricks for a perfect Chia.
I noticed after looking at these picture that I didn't have a uniform coverage for his fur. But don't worry I was able to even things out.
Night two, New Years Eve.
Chia gets ready for a big night, Bubbles and Candles a Chia Dream
Here we catch Chia Dancing, Drinking and just generally tying one on.
Ohh man the morning after, Chia looks worked over.
Day Three, New Years Day.
Chia is up and at it after sleeping it off in front of a bunch of College football games Chia is ready to Barbeque.
Once again Chia, is living the high life, A nice Steak dinner and more bubbly.
Day Four, Up and At it early to do some chores.
Chia notices it's very cold outside.
Chia hangs with the dogs after getting them some food and water.
Chia once again back inside, spends the rest of the day with his friends the fish.
Day six, Up and At it early to read the paper. Chia bunny love the funnies.
Chia laughs at Dilbert, He must be a nerd like the rest of us.
Day seven, Chia Bunny is venturing into the Business world, Here you can see him proudly displaying some CD-R's he will be selling on Ebay.
Chia likes CD-Rs
With all of Chia's Ebay sale success he's shopping for a new ride.
Chia and Portia, just chilling, It's a Dog's life.
Chia and his friend reading a bed time story.
Chia's has had a long day, nothing like a nice bed time snack.
NOTE: My email address is shown here in the picture with my Jeepin Dog. I had to put it in a picture so I wouldn't get so much spam email.
If you have questions please email me.