I started the build a couple of weeks ago. I am not is a hurry so I am actually glad of the progress I have made. Here are some new pictures and some new found information.
Nice welding hat buddy. I am serious that the little goofy looking welding cap does really help with keeping sparks out of my hair and paint off my head. I wear it all the time in the shop, and around the neighborhood.
Here is a mock up of the trailer. I will be using these 33 x 12.5 BFG AT's for the trailer. They maybe way too much tire for the trailer but I had them sitting around, so I need to put them to good use. They turned out to be just right, big and well suited for off road use.
The plastic box on the inside is one of the boxes I plan to have inside the trailer so I was checking it for size.
Here is a shot of the initial tongue. I had originally planned a full length female section for the tongue but as it turned out the male part was binding, and I could see nothing but trouble down the road with my initial design.
This does look good doesn't it. I will later add a strap from front to back and add a hitch on the back of the frame.
I drilled two holes for pins to hold my retractable tongue on. I think one will be the standard Hitch pin and the other a Big 1/2 bolt with a handle to tighten up. This may eliminate some of the banging and clatter.
This is the condition of my Front Driveway, I had to take time out to clear the walk. I am glad I have a nice big heater for the shop.
This a close up of the weld on the top section of the frame. I worked very hard to make them completely disappear.
Nice Welds buddy. To do this I use two different grinders, one with a grinding wheel, the other with a sandpaper wheel. The sandpaper wheel makes the joint very smooth and nice.
These are all the colors of the rainbow. With a weld like this I that I am pretty sure it will hold. Look how far the heat penetrated into the Bar.
The trailer frame sitting out in the cold, so I could get a few pictures.
The box is 44 inched wide and 50 inches long. This gives me a good inside dimensions of 40 x 48. and the side 48 x 17 inches high inside.
As a complete side note, my welder went of the fritz during this build. It started sticking and not feeding the wire very well. I had to go buy a new liner for the wand today and now I will need to take the thing apart and fix the hose up with a new liner. The old one is either dirty or kinked. maybe some of both I guess. I am extremely careful with it when I use it. I always wind it up and put it back on the welder. At least a new liner was only about 22 dollars.
Here is a shot of the XJ spring I had out back. It was snowed under. I had to bust some seriously frozen ground to get it out.
The springs I am using are from a Jeep Cherokee XJ. The are pretty soft and as long as the side of the trailer so they will have a lot of nice flex.
This shows the dirty end of the spring.
I went and priced Axles today. A local trailer parts store has everything I needed to build a very nice axle for me. I am going to go with a 3500 pound axle. Which is about 95 dollars. I am then going to add electric brakes this will raise the price to 239.00 dollars. A steep increase, but If I wanted to add Parking Brakes as well then the price jumped to 439.00 bucks ouch way too much. I will need to re-think the parking brakes.
I want electric brakes on this trailer for two reasons I want to be able to make the trailer stop all by its self and I also want to be able to put the brakes on and unlock the pins on the tongue and collapse the tongue down to a very short size. Having the trailer be able to stop and not push me and my jeep down a steep hill, or rock , or drop off sounds like a very good idea when I am out on the trail.
NOTE: My email address is shown here in the picture with my Jeepin Dog. I had to put it in a picture so I wouldn't get so much spam email.
If you have questions please email me.